Downloads The Warmińsko-Mazurskie VoivodeshipGallery of the Old Town HallJarosaw Bujny – „ENDPOSTERS by BUJNY”

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The Provincial Public Library in Olsztyn is a self-government cultural institution.
Its services are free, not only for all the people of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Province, but also for other users. A library card enables one to make use of the different library services.
The library can offer a wide range of services providing useful information, including collections of a traditional sort, comprising books and magazines, and collections that are more modern offering a much wider format (CDs, DVDs, electronic documents). In both traditional and more modern format, the library collection represents a wide range of knowledge, whether in Polish or foreign language versions.
The library’s service is further expanded by the possibility of making use of the collections of other libraries, through the Interlibrary Exchange Service, and through access to databases and the internet.
The library is a cultural, educational and regional centre; it provides resources for documenting the heritage of the region and initiates a lot of local events.

Collections available for everyone
A wide range of knowledge to be found in books, magazines, a variety of supplementary materials, as well as multimedia access, a great collection of books about Warmia & Mazury.
Bibliography of Warmia & Mazury
Information about all publications published after 1945, where the content is connected with the region of Warmia & Mazury. A valuable source of reference for those interested in the history and presence of the region. It is available in printed form, as a database, and on-line on the web page of the library.

The Gallery in The Old Town
A place for many art exhibition and other cultural events. The works of among others: Józef Wilkoń, Tadeusz Brzeski and members of the Olsztyn Photo Club, have been presented in the gallery. When visiting, you can also relax over a cup of coffee.
The Laurel Award – a literary prize of Warmia and Mazury
The annual award was established in 2004, thanks to the efforts of the Polish Reader’s Society, which had a branch attached to Olsztyn’s Provincial Public Library. The award is given each year to the author of the best book of our region. The event is held under the honourable patronage of the Marshal of Warmia and Mazury Province.
Promotion of literature
The Provincial Public Library not only makes literature available, but also takes part in its promotion by organising meetings with writers, and publishing the valuable works of authors connected with the region. A list of our publications is available on the webpage:

The Provincial Public Library is responsible for a wide educational programme for both library users and staff from the whole of the area. Participants benefit, not only from regular training, but also from interesting courses that are held in the frame of the projects.
A wider offer is directed especially to the librarians, who can take part in conferences and also other courses to do with computers and customer relations, professional skills. Librarians can always get substantive help and advice in our library on the way that it has been organised, as well as legislative and technical support.
The Provincial Public Library in Olsztyn initiates a lot of activities that aim at the development and improvement of the quality of services offered by public libraries in the province. To that end, a number of projects on a provincial scale have been implemented, such as: the Librarian Information Training Network, From Denmark to Poland – transfer of knowledge and professional experiences, national programs – the Library Development Program, Library+ Program.
A specialist magazine “Librarian of Warmia & Mazury” is published for the librarians (since 1999, in an electronic version).

Some interesting facts from the history of the Provincial Public Library in Olsztyn
1950 – Setting up of the Provincial Public Library
3rd May 1951 – Official opening of the library
1952 – Library’s transferral to the building of the Old Town Hall
1955 – Amalgamation with Municipal Public Library
1971 – Decision to designate it with the name of Emilia Sukertowa-Biedrawina
1989 – Commencement of computerization
1st April 1989 – including 17 branches of the Provincial Public Library within the structure of the Municipal Culture Centre in Olsztyn
1st January 1999 – the Provincial Public Library in Olsztyn – a self-government cultural institution of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Province
2003 – Completion of modernization of the Old Town Hall
2004 – The library was awarded the medal Bibliotheca Magna by the main management of the Polish Librarians Association for its considerable services to Polish librarianship.
2012 – Completion of modernization of the building at 5 may 1 Street

Managing Directors
1950-1952 – Wacław Popko
1952-1970 – Teresa Pepłowska
1970-1982 – Zofia Kicińska
1982-2003 – Roman Ławrynowicz
2004 → Andrzej Marcinkiewicz

The Provincial Public Library in Olsztyn, 10-117 Olsztyn, ul. 1 Maja 5 Instytucje
 Zasady przetwarzania
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Public Information Bulletin
Latest updating: 14.05.2020 r.